I’ve just started Welcome to Glorious Tuga. How do you juggle between listening to the audio and reading the book? Do you listen and read the same passages or switch? I love the idea of audiobooks but I always tune out and end up missing crucial details!

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I basically just switch between them. I usually find my kindle/audible sync between each other so I can pick up where I left. But I totally get what you mean. I also find the same with audio... I often find myself thinking wait, I wasn't listening and then having to rewind. It can defs be quite nice having the ebook/a physical copy so I can go back and read bits I think I might have missed. It's an imperfect art for sure but also one I find essential x

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So glad to read you this morning!

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This is so lovely to hear, especially because I wasn't sure I would get it out today and literally pressed the send button about two minutes before leaving to collect my toddler from nursery! So good to hear my race to finish was worth it X

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